Untitled -- 8-06-04

hilst on that infamous date to the Legion of Honor with Goth Guy, I came across a Rodin sculpture called Christ and Mary Magdalene.� It took me several orbits around the sculpture before I was able to register exactly what it was, but when I did, the power of it struck me full force and took my breath from me.
��� I have no explanation for this, but for some reason, ever since I was about 24 years old, I have had an unquenchable passion for the story of Magdalene and Her relationship to Christ.� Regardless of what one believes, it is really a fascinating and provocative story.
��� I choose to believe that Magdalene was Christ's wife, and that they loved each other passionately.� I realize that this idea is incredibly offensive to some, but in considering the impact that His life was supposed to have on humanity, it seems to me almost necessary that He was married.
��� When I have inquired as to why Christ was put on this earth, I have been given one of several answers.
  • Christ was the son of God and that God sacrificed His only begotten son to us to save our souls
  • Christ was put here to experience life as a man, so that there would be an element of humanity to our God
  • Christ Himself made the sacrifice of His life to save our souls.� It was His choice
��� None of these answers is satisfactory to me if I am to believe them in the context of the story of Christ that I was raised with.
��� First of all, if God is omnipotent, why must there be a sacrifice to save our souls?� Why could He not simply say, "You are forgiven.� Come to me directly, now.� No more need for the Holy of Holies."� It seems melodramatic to me.
��� Secondly, if Christ knew that He was the son of God and knew that a kingdom awaited Him in heaven, then what kind of sacrifice is it to give up a cursed life here on earth?
��� Finally, if Christ was put here to experience life as a man, then shouldn't He have been expected to experience those things that cause us the most pleasure and the most pain?� Isn't romantic, sexual love the most awesome power on earth?� Doesn't it drive us to do the most ridiculous things?� Doesn't it cause us the most grief and the most joy?
��� How can we be expected to turn to Christ to guide us through such things as the loss of a child, a parent, a spouse, when He's never felt nor feared those kinds of losses?
��� And if Mary Magdalene was the wife of Christ, does She not deserve our reverence as much as He does?� We turn to Him for comfort, yet He would have turned to Her.� And doesn't that make the essence of God more complete to think that God had a lover?

��� Personally, I do not believe that Jesus Christ is God, nor do I believe that He is the son of God anymore than I am the daughter of God.� I believe He was a man with a gift -- a vision.� I believe that He was bitter with the direction the church was taking and He was trying to make a change.� He gave use a new perspective of faith, love, charity, and forgiveness.� He gave it to us personally, instead of having to pursue it through a priest or rabbi.� That is how I believe that Jesus saved us.
��� This is my culture; my identity; my mythology, and I have to think these thoughts and ask these questions.

(If you have an opinion different than mine, I respect that completely.� You have every right to express it.� I do ask, however, that you do not e-mail me or post notes to me attempting to convince me of your truth based on scripture from the Bible.� I have read the Bible.� I do not believe it is the word of God, and to tell me that you know it is divinely inspired because it says so right there in the Bible is simply not a valid enough reason for me to accept it.� My thoughts and opinions are well informed and well thought out.� I have read and meditated on this subject and have written about it for years.� I am currently pursuing a Master's in the subject because of this passion of mine.� Please do not try to save me.� I have already been saved).


Previous Entries
Friendly Advising - 02-02-05
Lovemaking - 01-30-05
The Art of Unhappiness - 01-13-05
Rubber Ducky - 01-09-05
Ouch - 12-24-04

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